Infinite Abundance - Advanced Programme
Course'Infinite Abundance'. The Advanced Level of Manifestation - 7 Steps to Becoming a Spiritual Millionaire!
Miraculous Creation & Living Advanced Programme
CourseMiraculous Creation & Living, recorded during Easter Retreat in Ireland 7 Day ONLINE Retreat with Master Jason Chan
Seven Principles for Radiant Living
CourseSeven Principles for Radiant Living by Jason Chan Presented here are seven principles for greater harmony in our lives and in the world. They will transform your life, forever.
CourseAre you inspired to Live Life Lovingly? Do you yearn to be at peace, and feel the beauty of life? Set the intention, to live in Love Presence for just 21 days.
Online - Infinite Tai Chi Teacher Training
CourseInfinite Tai Chi Teacher Training Course Material for enrolled students
Infinite TAI CHI Teacher Training
CourseThe Infinite Tai Chi™ teacher training course offers a new path to liberation based on the timeless wisdom and understanding of the eternal, natural rhythmic movement of life.