Secrets of Infinite TAI CHI
Daily practice will assist you to build a strong foundation for Inner Transformation and Unfoldment
Balance your whole physical, emotional and energetic systems.
Infinite Tai Chi is much more than just a healthy form of exercise. Infinite Tai Chi is, at heart, pure nature or consciousness in movement. It is a moving meditation.
When you perfect your Infinite Tai Chi form, you are no longer just moving gracefully, you are emanating light through movement.
If you practise Infinite Tai Chi long enough, you will become aware of an energy field that surrounds everything, including you. Gradually as you keep practising, you will be able to get in touch with this energy field and use it to heal yourself on many different levels.
Eventually you will be able to use this universal energy, or Chi, to transform both your physical being and your mental and emotional outlook on life. Your body will become stronger, and your emotions will calm down. Ultimately, when you can perform Tai Chi in perfect harmony, you will begin to return to the wholeness of Life itself.
Check out the course curriculum below - lessons marked with a "preview" button are free to view.
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Tips for Preparation & Home Practise
At-One-Ment: Welcome Your Day, Welcome Life
Warrior Warm Up with Jason
"Golden Sun" Infinite Chi Kung
Infinite Tai Chi, Stages 1-3, Mirroring
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Stage 1 - Guidelines for your practise
Infinite TAI CHI with Irina, Stage 1
Stage 1 - PDF Printout
Stage 2 Class
Stages 2-3 - Guidelines for your practise
Stage 2 with Irina
Stage 2 - PDF Printout
Jason Chan is a spiritual master and healer whose energy and teachings have transformed and enlightened the lives of hundreds of his close students, as well as touching the lives of thousands more spiritual seekers who have attended his courses, retreats, workshops and demonstrations in the UK, Ireland, Europe, USA and Thailand.
“Looking at life from the highest possible view, we can see that there is a definite order in all that happens in nature and the Universe. We are part of nature and it follows that we are affected by the same patterns, cycles, flow, change and movement of the natural laws. It is from these ancient sources of wisdom that the “Infinite Arts” have drawn their unique view of life.”
Irina is a qualified Ashtanga Yoga teacher and has graduated with distinction from Infinite Tai Chi Foundation Course in 2013, Advanced Teacher Training Course and Mastership of Infinite Arts Course in 2019, Infinite Chi Yoga Teacher Training and Ling Chi Healing Art Courses with Jason Chan. Her current inspiration is to fully master The Infinite Arts.
Irina is passionate about introducing these empowering life-enhancing practices to both adults and children. She is the lead Teacher on Jason Chan’s Infinite Tai Chi Teacher Training Course & Infinite Chi Yoga Course in Ireland and leading Yoga, Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation classes in Counties Cork & Kerry.
Inspired to learn from Jason the Secrets of Infinite Tai Chi? Simply click ENROL TODAY to get started straight away.
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